This is a podcast about both having Autism, and living with somebody who has Autism. This series brings perspectives of living on & with the Spectrum from Sonya King, her son Josh, and various guests. Visit the website at Read the Blog: Fear is the Culprit | Check out
Archives for August 2018
Fear is the Culprit
~Clearly Muddled Blog~ Fear is the culprit behind a lot of people on the autism spectrum feeling uncomfortable in everyday situations. Sometimes that fear is triggered by circumstances that seem harmless to those of us that don’t have autism. When Josh was a little boy, it was difficult for me
JHA039: Sticks and Stones, Man
This is a podcast about both having Autism, and living with somebody who has Autism. This series brings perspectives of living on & with the Spectrum from Sonya King, her son Josh, and various guests. Visit the website at Read the Blog: The Clueless | Check out this episode!
The Clueless
~~Clearly Muddled Blog~~ People seem so comfortable in judging situations that they don’t know anything about. When Josh used to have melt-downs I would see glares and hear the clueless say to one another, “That kid needs a good paddle to his butt”. These strangers felt empowered to cast their
JHA038: Responsible Patterns
This is a podcast about both having Autism, and living with somebody who has Autism. This series brings perspectives of living on & with the Spectrum from Sonya King, her son Josh, and various guests. Visit the website at Read the Blog: That Thing That Works | Check out
That Thing That Works
~Clearly Muddled Blog~ Helping a person with Autism orchestrate and organize their life is hard work. Especially when that person (me) is unorganized and haphazard by nature. Finding that thing that works and getting it to stick is like winning the super bowl! The payoff is huge, and worth every
JHA037: Patterns and Consequences
This is a podcast about both having Autism, and living with somebody who has Autism. This series brings perspectives of living on & with the Spectrum from Sonya King, her son Josh, and various guests. Visit the website at Read the Blog: Consequences, Right? | Check out this
Consequences, Right?
Everything has consequences, right? I was telling Josh that whether he does something or doesn’t do something, there will always be consequences. The difference is that some are positive, and some are negative. He asked me to leave his room. He doesn’t even like the word consequences! That’s alright, I