This is a podcast about both having Autism, and living with somebody who has Autism. This series brings perspectives of living on & with the Spectrum from Sonya King, her son Josh, and various guests. Visit the website at Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love
Archives for September 2018
Get A Job
~~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~~ Get a job, Sha, na, na, na, sha, na, na, na, na! The Silhouettes sang that song all the way to number one in 1958, and today its music to my ears. Autism may have slowed the progress, but Josh is ready to work, and
JHA43: Speaking Aspie
This is a podcast about both having Autism, and living with somebody who has Autism. This series brings perspectives of living on & with the Spectrum from Sonya King, her son Josh, and various guests. Visit the website at Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love
~~Clearly Muddled Blog~~ Autism effects social interaction. It effects communication. It effects the ability to read non-verbal ques. Asking a person on the autism spectrum to speak and respond to a room full of people seems unlikely, but that’s exactly what Josh has done. Boom! A few days ago, I
JHA042: Gimme A Break
This is a podcast about both having Autism, and living with somebody who has Autism. This series brings perspectives of living on & with the Spectrum from Sonya King, her son Josh, and various guests. Visit the website at Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love
The Brakes
~ Clearly Muddled Blog~ Sometimes, right in the middle of Josh plugging along in the right direction, he puts on the brakes, and stops…for no apparent reason. It seems to come out of nowhere, with no sign that the forward momentum was coming to an abrupt, screeching halt. He shuts
~Clearly Muddled Blog~ The focus on autism tends to be about hardships. Often, it’s about what a person on the spectrum has difficulty with, and what types of adaptations have been found to help. Those things are necessary, and are part of paving the way, but they’re designed to help
JHA041: The Good Stuff
This is a podcast about both having Autism, and living with somebody who has Autism. This series brings perspectives of living on & with the Spectrum from Sonya King, her son Josh, and various guests. Visit the website at Read the Blog: Gold | Check out this episode!