~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~
Coworkers can help make 40 hours a week productive and fulfilling, they sometimes become amazing friends, and they can also be the spawn of Satan himself.
People on the spectrum are kind, decent humans. I see them, and they are the better part of our species. Sensory overload causes shut down, and the lack of “playing the social game” at work can be interpreted as being aloof or stuck-up. It causes a new level of problems in the very area that someone with autism struggle with, by nature.
Snarky, gossipy, sarcastic…enough about me.
Bullies are bullies no matter their age. I’m guilty of thinking of bullies as kids that will hopefully grow into respectable humans. But that doesn’t always happen, and those kids grow up to bully other adults…and sometimes even an entire nation.
Maybe a new rule should be that only people on the spectrum can be in positions of authority! We’d all know what to do and when, and we would all be treated equally.
In summary: for those fellow employees…get your head out of your butt and just be a decent human. Easy peasy!!
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Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #095: Judgements | http://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-095-judgements
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