~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~
Sometimes a giant “ah-ha” happens, almost by accident. Something can be right in front of me, but all a sudden, I see it for what feels like the very first time, and it makes it easier to come up with a new approach.
It started with Josh’s psychiatrist saying that he needed to be held accountable by someone, for accomplishing his daily responsibilities…or not. Usually, it was – not. But, saying it out loud to someone else is sometimes motivation enough to get the work done. Then, the doctor recommended that I probably shouldn’t be that person. YAY! Whew!!
In order to begin working on “life skills”, Josh needed a plan. He also needed to understand what’s been interfering with his success up until this point. And it hit me! Josh had been getting lost in books his whole life. Reading is his favorite thing to do, and he spends a lot of time doing it, and it’s the thing that’s been keeping him from doing what needs to get done. Until now.
When I suggested he read only after his responsibilities were completed, it’s like a light bulb went on! I don’t know why, or how, but it clicked! For both of us. We understood that if he followed the plan of only reading after his responsibilities were complete, he would finally be in charge of his life. It freaking worked!!
Since Josh has made this change, he’s accomplishing what he needs to, and his self esteem has sky rocketed. So much so, that he suggested that the person he’d like to be accountable to, is everyone. He wants to give an update every week on our Josh Has Autism Podcast.
Tears and beers for this proud mama. WOW!
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Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #122: Better Than Books | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-122-better-than-books
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