~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~
I’ve lived with my autistic son for 32 years. Now, in an experiment of monumental importance, he’s moved out. Well, I moved into a new house and didn’t take him! Haha! Sad face! Both.
I’m so used to having Josh under the same roof, that I never realized how much he leaves out when verbal communication is necessary. Without realizing I was doing it, I was filling in the blanks. I was right there with him so I was seeing the big picture, and I could help with the blanks…my pockets were full of blanks…and I used them every day in all kinds of situations.
Now, I can only go by what he says. Oh shirt!
I’m finding that he leaves out information because he’s unaware that it would be useful to someone else, or he’s got a clear picture of what he’s doing and assumes that everyone else must have that same clarity. So, he just doesn’t say it out loud.
To be real, there’s also that piece of the mix that screams ‘I don’t think about anyone else, and I’m fine with that’! He’s not selfish. He’s content. And my pockets are empty.
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Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #113: Say It Out Loud | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-113-say-it-out-loud
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