~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh and I talk a lot about what it feels like in his body to be Autistic. We talk about the different emotions that come up for him and in what types of situations. But because he’s historically had a difficult time relaying what he’s
Clearly Muddled Blog
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Sensory issues often times dictate how Josh experiences situations. Through the years he’s gotten better at managing the overload because he’s aware of what he can tolerate and what he can’t. He removes himself from the stimuli when he can, and even better, he’s begun
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh is constantly aware of what’s going on around him. He might not know how to express it in words, but he feels it in his body and it ramps up his brain frequency to an uncomfortable level. Sleep is sometimes the only thing that
Ride The Wave
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ I grew up in San Diego, California, one block from the beach. Specifically, I lived in Pacific Beach and had sand in my toes just about everyday…unless I was busy breaking bones or getting a concussion doing some other activity. “Ride the wave” was a
Where’s My Meds
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Medication is not always the answer…but sometimes it is. With a diagnosis of Autism and ADD, no other modality or treatment seems to help Josh as much, at this time in his life. So, when it was time to pick up his medication and the
Don’t Call Me
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Telephobia is a real thing – it’s a fear of talking on the phone. It’s thought to be an extension of social anxiety disorder, and it creates legit problems for people that need to have conversations via the telephone. I didn’t realize that some people
I’m Outta Here
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Because Josh has Autism he deals with sensory overload on a regular basis. When he’s in a situation where he has multiple demands placed on him, he says it builds up to uncomfortable, and then becomes flat out painful. Josh has had years of therapy
He Speaks
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ When Josh was teeny tiny, I was told that he would probably never speak. This week he gave a speech about effectively communicating with someone that has Autism. He caused people to laugh, and cry, and they were moved by his message. He speaks. Leave
It’s Just Chaos
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh’s room is a mess. He calls it organized chaos, but it looks like it needs to be cleaned, disinfected…or burned! He says he knows where everything goes and he likes it just as it is. When I walk into his room my head spins
You’re Sick!
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh’s favorite people to hang out with are the characters of whatever current book he’s reading. He doesn’t watch television, so our time together usually involves eating, and eating, and eating, and then going out to eat. We all know that he needs his alone
Review with SSI
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ It’s time for another SSI review. Sonya and Josh talk about the ins and outs of that process. Listen, Like, Share. Read my latest blog and check out my site at www.sonyaking.com Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #159: SSI Review | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-159-ssi-review Leave
Understanding The Difference
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ It might seem at times that a person with Autism isn’t cooperating, or that the laying around couch potato style is useless. People that don’t understand Autism might think the necessary down time is laziness. But boy, that misses the mark entirely. It’s Incorrect. It’s
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh and Sonya talk about how difficult it is for him to understand others, when masks are covering their faces. Listen, Like, Share. Read my latest blog and check out my site at www.sonyaking.com Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #164: Covid and Masks
Retaining Information
~Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Today we talk about the difficulty of retaining information in conversations. Listen, Like, Share. Read my latest blog and check out my site at www.sonyaking.com Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism
IEP for Connor
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Today Bug is on the podcast talking about setting up services with the school for Connor. Listen, Like, Share. Read my latest blog and check out my site at www.sonyaking.com Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Sonya and Josh talk about Josh removing himself from situations when he’s feeling overwhelmed. Listen, Like, Share. Read my latest blog and check out my site at www.sonyaking.com Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #155: The Mutiny | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-155-the-mutiny
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Sonya and Josh talk about the distinction between Words, Feelings and Emotions. Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #153: Pick A Lane | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-153-pick-a-lane
Nana Time
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Sonya’s mom/Josh’s Nana passed away recently. In this podcast they talk about how Josh deals with death. They hope that this helps others on the spectrum, and their families, get through their own losses. Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to
Our mom/Nana passed away last night. We are heartbroken. We are grieving and are going to take some time to heal.
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #149: Call Me | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-149-call-me
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #146: Balanced | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-146-balanced
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #145: Sphere of Emotions | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-145-sphere-of-emotions
Too Much Going On
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #144: I Don’t Hear You | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-144-i-dont-hear-you
Too Much
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #143: Living in Chaos | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-143-living-in-chaos
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #142: Workin It Out | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-142-workin-it-out
Dream Job
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #141: Workin’ Man | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-141-workin-man
I Help When I Want
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #140: Ah-Ha! | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-140-ah-ha
I Need Space
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #139: Stuck | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-139-stuck
My Dream Job!
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #137: Hired | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-137-hired
Long Desired Call
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #136: Call Back | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-136-call-back
Home Sweet Home
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #135: Home Again | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-135-home-again
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #134: Job Interview. What Happened?| https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-134-job-interview-what-happened
Josh the Superhero
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #133: Superheroes| https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-133-Superheroes
Nana in ICU
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Nana’s been in the ICU. I’ll post my podcast on Saturday. Thanks… This link will be active then… Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #132: ICU | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-132-icu
Attempting to Work
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #131: Applying for a Job| https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-131-applying-for-a-job
Medication Side Effects
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #130: Medication Revamp| https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-130-medication-revamp
My Spoon
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Photo only today Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you. Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #129: Spoons | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-129-spoons
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ My autistic son Josh told me that he feels like he’s running a hurdle race on the way to start the main race. The main race is whatever he’s required to do on any given day. That sounds exhausting. The derailment isn’t the “thing” or
On the Move (artwork)
Artwork only this week
Up and Out
~ Clearly Muddled Blog~ Right now the majority of us are coming out of a year long government imposed hibernation. For me, it feels like the scene in the movie Hocus Pocus when the spell kept everyone dancing all night long, and then everyone came outside exhausted, and blinded by
The Why’s
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Why don’t people get the things done that they say they want to get done? A better question might be how do people ever get anything done, given the busyness going on around us all the time! For someone with autism it’s even harder because
Do This, Then That
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Sometimes a giant “ah-ha” happens, almost by accident. Something can be right in front of me, but all a sudden, I see it for what feels like the very first time, and it makes it easier to come up with a new approach. It started
Living It
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ People on the autism spectrum are awesome. At least the ones I’ve met are. Day to day living with the ones in my family takes patience, understanding, and sticktoitiveness. I’m SURE they’d say the same thing about me. Living with someone takes some getting used
Anxiety At Work
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Autism often comes with a heaping helping of anxiety. About everything! That buzzing, intrusive, never letting up companion, can derail the best of intentions. Work life for someone on the spectrum can feel exhausting, and for more significant reasons than the ones us neurotypicals whine
Write It Down
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ My autistic son is brilliant! When it comes time to write down the things that bounce around in that huge brain of his, he gets stuck. The ideas are racing, but he can’t move. Writing assignments were difficult when he was in school because if
Got It
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Life is a series of “I get it” moments. Those moments deserve recognition and celebration…especially when the person having those moments has autism. For Josh, no matter how hard he tries, some things just don’t stick. Some of those things he’s probably got the right
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ As I got older and became an adult I was expected to take on more responsibility for myself. At first it was cool because I experienced the freedom to do what I wanted…like eat ice cream for dinner, drink wine through a piece of licorice,
Can’t or Won’t
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ The line is fine; invisible sometimes. It’s the difference in what works and what doesn’t, what matters and what is not apparent, what needs to be done and those things that don’t get a moment of consideration. I get that autism is a world that
And Suddenly He Was Gone
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Our beautiful and amazing dog Oliver died. It was sudden…and my autistic son Josh dislikes sudden change more than anything. Well, that was the way it used to be. Now he dislikes sudden change mixed with grief more than anything. Oliver’s death was hard on
Gearing Up
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ My autistic son Josh has worked very hard to be able to “gear up”when it’s time to engage with others. Whether it’s family get togethers or venturing out into the land of neurotypicals, he has figured out how to prepare for social interaction. So, he’s figured
Fillin’ in the Blanks
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ I’ve lived with my autistic son for 32 years. Now, in an experiment of monumental importance, he’s moved out. Well, I moved into a new house and didn’t take him! Haha! Sad face! Both. I’m so used to having Josh under the same roof, that I
Move It
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ My autistic son has lived with me for 32 years! That’s about 10 more than I was anticipating! Seriously? Yes. But, a monumental event took place last week…Josh moved in with his best friend (and ex brother in law). What does this mean? It means
Good Riddance 2020
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ It’s a new year! Thank God, or Goddess, your lucky stars, or whatever got you here! You made it through 2020…the stinkiest armpit of all years in recent history! And if 2020 was an armpit, December was it’s stench. Cheers to those on the autism
Grow Up!
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ The idea is that as you grow older, you also begin to act like a grown up, but that looks different from person to person. Some people are financially responsible, and some forget to pay the bills. Some take hygiene seriously, and others are living examples
A Couple of Things
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ My grandson, Connor, was just diagnosed with Autism and ADHD. I figured it was coming, but hoped it wouldn’t. I’m not saying anything negative about anyone that has those diagnoses…I can only speak about what it’s like living with, caring for, and loving someone that does.
Feelin’ It
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Autism is about intense sensory episodes, and the processing of those experiences. For Josh, an additional frustration is the inability to readily identify what’s happening to him physically. For me, the frustration is always having to be flexible with my expectations of him because it’s
Josh Still Has Autism
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Social Security said Josh no longer had a disability. They removed his Autism diagnosis from his documentation and file. They sent him to a hired gun psychiatrist who said he is no longer qualified for SSI because his status of being “learning disabled” has improved.
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ It’s almost Election Day. I hope everyone votes, and no one gets hurt. What a weird thing to have to hope for. Josh was raised in a little town of around 3 hundred people. That number fluctuated slightly, based on who was born, and who
Looks Like Change
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. That basically means that your experience can change, based on where you place your focus. How do you change focus when you’ve got a kid with autism? I
Gimme Some Space
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Sometimes I need a little space. Autism doesn’t understand that at all! When I’m exhausted and don’t have anything left to give, Autism doesn’t care. At times when I could use a minute for myself, Autism doesn’t let up. During high stress situations, Autism demands
In Recovery
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Everyone needs downtime after stressful situations…Josh takes that concept to a whole new recliner! When it’s done, he’s done. If I get quiet enough I can almost hear the melody of the fat lady’s song. Recovery time for Josh is mandatory in order for him
~Clearly Muddled Blog Grief is not just reserved for those that have lost a person to death. When illness and disease change the way a loved one can function, we all change how we live. Because those on the spectrum like things to stay the same, it’s a quandary. Josh
Sweet Expectation..Wait, What?
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ “Peace begins when expectations end”. That’s a quote from the awesome Buddha. “If you love me you’d know what I want”. That’s a quote from me when I was in my twenties…and a complete idiot. Living with someone on the autism spectrum is like riding
One Hundred and Counting
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ We’ve done one hundred Josh Has Autism Podcasts! It’s been an awakening; unfiltered, funny, and emotional. Thank you for coming along with us on this adventure. Without you, there would be no reason for us to stuff ourselves into a small space, hit record, share
There He Is
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ A couple of days ago Josh and I were walking past an apartment and heard a guy threatening and hitting a woman. We heard him throw her against the door. In those moments that left me shaking with a rush of adrenaline, Josh was the
Inside the Velvet Rope
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ When you have a child with autism you get to live in the presence of genuine authenticity, and purity of heart. You get to see what it’s like inside the velvet rope, where everyone is accepted, what is said is exactly what is meant, and speaking
Self Regulating is a Thing!
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Self regulating is a huge deal. Its basically the ability to control behaviors, emotions, and thoughts, and to manage detrimental behaviors and impulses in order to achieve long term goals. It often makes the difference in success or failure. If youd like a visual of
How do you spell Relief?
~ Clearly Muddled Blog~ Josh has Autism…and depression. So, when the opportunity to receive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for the latter, it was a no brainer. Well, it was a brainer…the front left lobe to be exact. For six weeks, five days a week, twenty minutes at a time, his
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Coworkers can help make 40 hours a week productive and fulfilling, they sometimes become amazing friends, and they can also be the spawn of Satan himself. People on the spectrum are kind, decent humans. I see them, and they are the better part of our
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh went to the emergency room today because of an injury he got at Walmart. I knew back when they stopped handing out smiley face stickers there was gonna be trouble! Here’s what happened: Josh picked up a single case of water off a wooden
Good Vibrations
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Having a kid with autism at times reminds me of when I’ve had to cram for a test that I forgot to study for. I need all the information NOW to know what the answer is, but I can’t seem to process and utilize it all. Knowing
Autism Specialist…Anyone…Anyone?
~Clearly Muddled Blog~ Josh is thirty-one years old, and today, for the very first time ever, he’s seeing an Autism Specialist. He’s seen people with autism experience, was diagnosed originally by the the head of child psychiatry at Walter Reed Medical Hospital, and has benefitted by working with countless professionals
Exercise Ain’t Pretty
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ I like to exercise. It helps me sleep better, think clearer, and as a huge bonus, it keeps me from being a big fat cranky pants. Josh on the other hand does not like to exercise because it creates sensory overload. He used a treadmill
Did You Hear the One?
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Doing stand up comedy is basically having a conversation with someone…there just happens to be a whole bunch of someone’s. We take turns using our voices, and while I’m sharing my insight, the audience interprets and reacts. It’s a perfect way for someone on the
Am I Right?
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Things…many, many things need to be done the way Josh needs them to be done. For a while I thought that he was making a choice in being so precise, exact…and honestly, a pain in the butt! Turns out, his need for patterns and rhythm
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Extra, extra, read all about it! The world ma be in chaos these days, but when you have a kid on the autism spectrum you’ve gotta move steady ahead. So, it’s not really new news, it’s the same ole news. Recycled, really. Here’s what’s been
I Do!
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Marriage and Autism. It can happen! There are a million things I was told Josh would never do – one of them was get married. It’s weird when doctors decide that kind of stuff for someone. Not one of them can tell me whether he’s
Don’t Just Lay There!
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Depression squishes the joy out of the most joyous occasions. If the occasion is just so-so to begin with, it just squishes. Watching my son Josh get squished is a hard thing to witness. There’s a new to us therapy called TMS. It stands for Transcranial
I’m not Mad, You’re Mad
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ The novel sized social security packet has been filled out and returned. I called the reviewer an idiot without being disrespectful. In other words, I didn’t say what I wanted to say. But, I have a feeling they know, because they choose to wake up
One at a Time
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ During a conversation with a close friend today, she said ‘you can’t save everybody’. It occurred to me right then that for the past 31 years I’ve been trying to save one particular person…my autistic son. I’m tired. And frustrated. And hopeful. I’ve worked hard
What Changes and Stays Exactly the Same?
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ The thing about autism is that it changes the way it looks, and at the same time requires similitude. So, I work to create the routine my autistic son requires, and because his sensory sensitivity directs how life goes, I am always needing to adjust
Wait, What?
~ Clearly Muddled ~ I got a letter from the Social Security Administration letting me know that theyve decided that Josh no longer has a disability. I found the address of the person that made that decision Josh will be on their doorstep early tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, he doesnt function very
Movin’, Losin’, and Conclusion
~ CLEARLY MUDDLED BLOG ~ Everything is changing at warp speed, and because change is a replacement for what used to be, it always comes with some sort of loss. It’s not always negative, but when you have autism, it takes a couple extra beats for it to make sense…and
The Way Home
~ The Way Home ~ They say home is where the heart is. But what if you’re so lost you that you can’t find your way home? And you’re heart…is just broken. In 2015 I moved kicking and screaming from our home of eighteen years, the place where our kids
Don’t Think About It
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ When life becomes a giant juggling act, Josh has figured out his approach; just don’t think about it. He’s really good at that. I’m not. Selling a house involves all kinds of strangers coming into our space, needing all kinds of questions answered, leading to
The Pressure
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Selling a house is stressful. Moving and leaving all that is familiar is stressful. And getting everything and everybody ready for both, is exhausting. That’s exactly where Josh and I are right now. We’re pooped! He’s been shutting down and withdrawing, and I’ve been making a
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Parents worry about their kids, that’s just the way it is. But when your child is autistic, that worry turns into fear on a whole new level. The real concern is – what will happen to them once I’m gone. Who will take care of
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ It seems like after living the last thirty years with my autistic son I would be able to forecast his behaviors. But, I’m like Charlie Brown to his Lucy…I get lulled into trusting that this time it will be different, and I go for it,
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh knows how he feels at any given time. He’s keenly aware of his body’s reaction to stress, and can explain the difference in anxiety, depression, and the current experience of gray. Things are not his preferred black and white these days. That is a
Closer To Right
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ The word “Autistic” was first used in 1912 to describe symptoms of schizophrenia. Oops! In 1943 they got it closer to right, and “autism” was used as a diagnostic term to describe a social and emotional disorder. I say closer to right because sometime during
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ We’re moving. It’s exciting and terrifying! Simple changes can throw Josh off, so picking up and moving from Florida to Virginia has the potential to shut him down for a long period of time. I’m not guessing here, it’s exactly what happened the last time
In The Library
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Some things just make sense. Josh wanting to work at a library is one of them. His favorite thing to do is read, his second favorite thing to do is talk about the books he’s currently reading, or ones he has already read. Books make
And The Answer Is?
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Much of the time, conversations with Josh feel very one sided. What Im talking about is beyond the prompting, redirecting, and reminding its about not being heard or acknowledged. I get an okay or an occasional uh-huh and thats usually about it. Sometimes I say to him
Crash, Boom, Bam
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Up until last week Josh seemed to be pluggin along just fine. He was working, going to his beloved D and D, and accomplishing his household responsibilities. Well, that last one was a big, fat, sort of! Out of nowhere though, he crashed…boom he was
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ I got to talk to a mom today that co-authored a book about autism. Twelve moms contributed…each with a story all their own, each with a child on the autism spectrum, and each sharing their experience and knowledge. A collaboration like this is unusual, and
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Being alone and being lonely are not the same thing. Because one of the common characteristics of autism is having difficulty with social interaction, and because I see that Josh enjoys his alone time so much, I never really thought of him as being lonely.
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Everyone experiences anxiety at some point, but for someone that has an anxiety disorder it can invade every aspect of life. My son-in-law (RJ) describes it as a constant buzzing or vibration that he feels throughout his entire body. Josh says he feels it in
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ The social security administration is super easy to navigate. HAHAHAHA!! Laugh or cry – those are my choices….so I put on my big girl britches and fill out paperwork, call and then wait on hold, get bad information, call again, get hung up on, go
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ 2016 went out with a bang. A bang that sounded like a head-on collision. The next ten minutes was a frantic race to get to the scene of the accident. Driving was something that the doctors said that Josh would never do. But he was
Pluggin Along
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ There’s so much going on all around us that it’s surprising to me that anyone gets anything done. I get distracted easily, so my life only runs smoothly when I’m able to concentrate or focus on one thing at a time. Because of Josh, I’m
Mentors and Therapists
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Everyone can use a mentor! When Josh was growing up, we didn’t have anyone that had gone through what we were dealing with, and he didn’t have anyone in his life that had autism. We had therapy. We had tons of therapy! Turns out, I
Animals and Autism
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ I love animals! I think the idea that humans are the superior species is a giant pile of horse dung. A couple of things I really dig about animals are the fact that they don’t pretend to be something other than what they are, and
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Moving into the adulting phase of life is a crazy ride! I’m not sure how I survived it with all the stupid stuff I did. Watching my autistic son traverse that bumpy road is both heart-wrenching and hysterical. The latter is for me, because if
Sensory Super Power
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ When Josh was a toddler, he screeched a lot. A lot! It didn’t seem to follow a pattern, and I couldn’t tell if he was in pain, if he wanted something, or if he was just cranky. I didn’t know sensory overload was even a
Where’d You Go?
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Lately, a new pattern of sorts has developed with Josh. On a regular basis I’ve heard myself asking him “where’d you go”? I mean it literally and figuratively because he’s been MIA and mentally unavailable. I get it – I want to be both of
All Together Now
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ The Beatles got it right in their song “All Together Now”. Okay, the Beatles got most things right, but this song is about including everyone, and that’s just cool. True, they were probably high as a kite because it was 1969…but still, when their sentiment
Christmas Break
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Family, food, friends, food, Santa Claus, food, festivities, food, food, food…Josh REALLY likes one of these, and can only take the others in spurts. He’s learned to be social and enjoys it on his terms. Making sure he took a “Christmas Break” when he needed it
Hit The Road Jack
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Traveling disrupts routine, and routine is everything for someone with Autism. So, whenever it’s time for Josh to travel…even if it’s just staying the night at his sister’s house…we go down a checklist of what he’ll need, what might happen while there, and when he’ll
Good People
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ I’ve met a lot of good people because Josh has Autism. There have been a lot of jerk faces too…but anyone that has a child that dares to be different knows about them. The good-hearted people though, they’re the ones that change lives. For us,
The Dance
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ My autistic son is an adult. I never believed the negative prognosis that doctors warned me of while he was still a little boy, and I dont accept them as the conclusion now. In some areas of life, hes blown through those expectations! Woohoo!!
It’s Been A Year
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ It’s been a year of questions and answers, laughs and tears, disappointment, progress, new understandings, frustration, compassion, failures, success, a few gray hairs, and love. Always love. Josh Has Autism is a year old! Fifty-two episodes in, and I’m still learning things I didn’t know
The Autism and Creativity Connection
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Recently, there have been studies on the connection between autism and creativity. It’s cool to hear that professionals out there are seeing the part of autism that parents have been seeing for a long time. Sometimes we need to wait for it to show up,
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Voting can be a giant heap of stress for someone with autism. It’s an uncomfortable situation at best, involving social interaction, uncertainties and unfamiliar situations, and ends with a poorly worded test. Oh, and the test must be taken standing up at a thing that’s
Conversation Please
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh called me from work and said, “my partner on this job is hard to have a conversation with”! That made me laugh because I’ve been dealing with that issue with Josh for 28 years! The employees that he’s working with also have autism, and
I’m His Mom
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh has autism, and I’m his mom…and I have a personality, and likes and dislikes, things I do well and things I don’t. Would Josh be who he is today if he had a different mom? Maybe…but he wouldn’t be as funny! I know I
Red Tape
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ For Halloween I think I’m gonna dress up as a big ole ball of red tape! I’ll leave the porch light on so kids know I have sweets to allocate, and when they follow the rules and make it onto the front porch I’ll demand
~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~ Josh needs routine, advanced notice of change, and prefers nothing out of the ordinary to occur. Hurricanes are jerks that dont care what anyone needs. So, when this latest home wrecker was forecast to be in our neighborhood, Josh retreated into the comfort of his
~Clearly Muddled Blog~ There are a lot of milestones that cause parents to pause in recognition that their baby is growing up. This week my daughter called and told me that her almost two-year-old said she wanted to sleep in the big bed instead her crib. Gulp. Just like that,
Get A Job
~~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~~ Get a job, Sha, na, na, na, sha, na, na, na, na! The Silhouettes sang that song all the way to number one in 1958, and today its music to my ears. Autism may have slowed the progress, but Josh is ready to work, and
~~Clearly Muddled Blog~~ Autism effects social interaction. It effects communication. It effects the ability to read non-verbal ques. Asking a person on the autism spectrum to speak and respond to a room full of people seems unlikely, but that’s exactly what Josh has done. Boom! A few days ago, I
The Brakes
~ Clearly Muddled Blog~ Sometimes, right in the middle of Josh plugging along in the right direction, he puts on the brakes, and stops…for no apparent reason. It seems to come out of nowhere, with no sign that the forward momentum was coming to an abrupt, screeching halt. He shuts
~Clearly Muddled Blog~ The focus on autism tends to be about hardships. Often, it’s about what a person on the spectrum has difficulty with, and what types of adaptations have been found to help. Those things are necessary, and are part of paving the way, but they’re designed to help
Fear is the Culprit
~Clearly Muddled Blog~ Fear is the culprit behind a lot of people on the autism spectrum feeling uncomfortable in everyday situations. Sometimes that fear is triggered by circumstances that seem harmless to those of us that don’t have autism. When Josh was a little boy, it was difficult for me
The Clueless
~~Clearly Muddled Blog~~ People seem so comfortable in judging situations that they don’t know anything about. When Josh used to have melt-downs I would see glares and hear the clueless say to one another, “That kid needs a good paddle to his butt”. These strangers felt empowered to cast their
That Thing That Works
~Clearly Muddled Blog~ Helping a person with Autism orchestrate and organize their life is hard work. Especially when that person (me) is unorganized and haphazard by nature. Finding that thing that works and getting it to stick is like winning the super bowl! The payoff is huge, and worth every
Consequences, Right?
Everything has consequences, right? I was telling Josh that whether he does something or doesn’t do something, there will always be consequences. The difference is that some are positive, and some are negative. He asked me to leave his room. He doesn’t even like the word consequences! That’s alright, I
If I Stepped Away for a While
If I stepped away for a while, what would happen? If I didnt orchestrate his life make appointments, encourage, direct, redirect, remind, remind, remind him of every little thing what would happen? Im invisible to him anyway. Autism, you will not destroy me, but today, I need to step away for a
Patterns are everywhere, and sometimes they show up as repetition of behaviors. Like when I eat all the Red Vine Licorice that ever makes its way into our house…that’s an overpowering delicious pattern! From the time Josh rolls out of bed each day, he’s got a program flipping around in
Time to Make New Plans
One thing Autism is not, is flexible. It makes no difference what plans have been made, when Autism says, “I don’t think so”, the brakes are put on and it’s time to make new plans. Sometimes, I’m just not in the mood to have to change plans. Occasionally, I like to
Make It So
I didn’t choose to have a son with Autism. If my fairy godmother had come down and described what it was going to be like and asked if I was in, I would have taken off so fast that her “make it so” wand would have choked to death from the
See the Person, Not the Diagnosis
These days, autism is something most people have heard about. That wasn’t the case in my generation, and even less so in my parent’s generation. Back when they we’re growing up people were labeled in ways that today are considered politically incorrect, and for good reason. Today, care for adults with
Conforming Ain’t Gonna Happen
I’m not very organized. I’ve never seen the need to conform to the way everyone else does things. So, when I found out that Josh has autism, it was a fast and furious lesson in being consistent, regimented, and patient. Three things I had only heard of up until that point!
A Life Worth Living
Through my son Josh, I can see that living with autism is hard to do. The hurdles are chronic, and include a constant struggle with anxiety, impaired social interaction, difficulty with communication, repetitive and awkward behavior, restricted interests, isolation, depression, and often if not constant, an unsurmountable level of stress. Suicidal
That’s Funny
I’m a comedian. I’m also a mom, and my son Josh has autism. It was a surreal experience to be making my living by making people laugh, while at home I had a son that didn’t understand humor. So, I did what I knew to do, and set out to
From the time Josh was a little guy he had a hard time controlling his need to have everyone follow instructions. I’m all for following instructions, if winging it and doing it on the fly doesn’t work. Since I recently quit having fits when things don’t go my way, I
Growing Pains
It’s hard to see your kids grow up. It’s what we want to happen, and we work so hard to ensure it happens with as little drama as possible, but sometimes the drama is part of the process. Some people call it growing pains, I call it time for a drink!
Dating is for Grownups
Watching my Autistic son start dating was weird. It was and still is a strange dynamic because it means hes doing this grown up thing, while still needing prompting and redirecting in most other areas of his life. Hes calling someone hun and at the same time still needs reminders
Big Fat Happy
Josh is smart. He’s REALLY smart. So, when his efforts to go to college were unsuccessful, he was devastated. But they say three’s a charm, and whoever they are, they’re right! (So, they are not the theythat say you can drive seven miles over the speed limit and not get
It’s There
Because Josh doesn’t have a physical disability, sometimes people meeting him for the first time don’t realize that he is working over-time to present the way he does. His gentle nature is genuine, his intelligence is obvious, his sarcasm is on point (sometimes), and his diagnosis is invisible…at first. But
My Friend
It has been clear from the very beginning of life with Josh, that he has a different take on the things that society holds as important. He is very comfortable being alone, and what others think of him doesn’t change the way he lives, or thinks, or behaves. During his
Sometimes I wonder how disappointment feels to Josh. To me, what it looks like is him “shutting down” and then disappearing for a while, and then it’s as if nothing happened. It does not seem that he’s being stoic or suppressing the emotions that come with disappointment, but more like
Raising another human is hard. I’ve done it twice – three times if you count my husband. So far, raising a son with Autism is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, because every time I think I’ve got it figured out, I’m blind-sided with issues there’s no way I could
Toddlers are SO opinionated! Try to reason with them and their opinion just gets louder. They think they know it all and are fearless in their approach to getting what they want. When they’re told no, they dig in and argue their point ad nauseum. In their back pocket, they
I Have a Point of View…
Just Give Me a Minute I have a point of view on everything. But, I’m a Libra, so give me a few minutes and I’ll ponder the opposing point of view. Then I’ll ruminate, taking way too long in deciding which side is correct. Then, I’ll sit it out for
Confident and Confused
Feeling confident while raising an Autistic child is like a guy looking masculine while he’s drinking through a straw. It can be done, but I’ve never seen it. The easiest part of having a kid is making them, and you don’t know what you’re gonna get…you might have one with
I don’t like bullies! I don’t like parents of bullies because they made their little bullies, either by allowance, or by example. That’s not some blind judgement I’m making – it’s been my actual experience, and unfortunately, I have a lot of experience. Josh was an awkward kid, and had
Consistent Inconsistency
Autism does not present itself the same in all people. It doesn’t even present itself the same, day to day or hour to hour, in one person! If you’re looking for consistency, you ain’t gonna find it here, baby! Unless you’re looking for consistent inconsistency: because if that’s the case,
Life Skills – Or Not
Life skills are the things that, when done well, keep our lives running smoothly. They are the daily responsibilities that keep us from being gross. Some of the basic self-care necessities are brushing teeth, taking a shower daily, and wearing clean clothes instead of the foul- smelling ones rumpled in
The Great Escape
Josh loves reading. It has always been his favorite thing to do. He doesn’t watch much, if any, television because books paint a clear and vibrant picture for him in a way that nothing else can. It took awhile for me to understand just how important and significant books are
I dont advocate throwing pills at a problem. Sometimes though, when there doesnt seem to be any other helpful alternative, medication can be a viable solution. Josh was in fourth grade and having meltdowns everyday because things around him were not controllable. Things were not controllable which led to him
The Flu is a Jerk!
The flu has been a giant jerk this year! Even super healthy people have been knocked on their rear-ends from this stuff, and some have even lost their lives. It’s hit everyone in our house, and fortunately we’re still here…just moving slow and kind of lop-sided. Sometimes it’s hard to
I love words. I love the way they flow together to paint a picture. They can motivate, elicit emotion, create laughter, and ultimately, facilitate healing. I LOVE words. Communication is so much more than words though, and because of that, its complicated. Conversations are loaded with clichés, innuendo, phrases, words
Josh started college this week. He’s started a few times before, and we’re all hoping this time the outcome will be different for him…and will conclude with a piece of paper that says, “yay, you did it”! He’s super smart, so the classes themselves aren’t what tripped him up in
Not Just the Gifts
Much of the time, Josh doesn’t seem to be aware of what others are going through. By others I mean those of us that live with him, or have lived with him for the majority of his life, and family members that he sees on a daily basis. Sometimes it
Autism Meets Menopause!
There are some things a glass of wine can’t fix. Just kidding! But really, it can’t. I heard about menopause and how it changes life as we know it. Growing up it was commonly asked if my mom needed her crazy shot…she usually did. So, I figured that was all
Living in Absolutes (not the vodka)
My dad died on my stepdad’s birthday. Not his actual birth day…that arrangement would win my mom some sort of honorary award in Cougar-hood. It happened almost 13 years ago, and was extremely hard to deal with for everyone, except Josh. My dad went from sick, to terminally ill, to
Apartment for Josh
My husband is smart. He knew how to turn our two-car garage into an apartment, and even more impressive, was able to get the rest of us in the family to help with the grunt work. The garage is now a beautiful place to live, with a bedroom, living room,
Raising Josh involves a whole host of necessary adaptations. He’s most successful when there is consistency and routine, and the right items, in the right color, precise words used in conversation, advanced notice of events, acceptable textures in clothing and food, and most important to keeping the peace…all things must
My son Josh has Autism. I call it Joshism, because whatever it’s called, it’s just…him. Recently I took Josh to the psychiatrist because he was on the verge of a complete shut-down. That experience was like when you take a sick puppy to the vet, and they wag their tail
Love is all you need. And wine.
When I was in my twenties I had the grand idea that love was the solution to any circumstance, and was essentially all I needed. Today, I still believe that love is all I need, plus a psychiatrist, and medication, a bunch of dogs, and a glass of wine. A
Rules Make Me Fat.
I’ve never liked rules. If I had been born a bit earlier I would have been one of those flower power, anti-authoritarian hippies. Peace, love, and Red Vine licorice baby! In contrast, Autism is known to include a very rigid way of thinking, with high value placed on rules. So,
This Is My First Blog! I Need A Drink…
I was told that my son would never amount to anything…he wouldn’t drive, wouldn’t go to school, could never live on his own, would never be able to hold a job, and more than likely, would never even have any friends…because he is Autistic. Every word of that assertion