~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~
The novel sized social security packet has been filled out and returned. I called the reviewer an idiot without being disrespectful. In other words, I didn’t say what I wanted to say. But, I have a feeling they know, because they choose to wake up every morning and insert their unkept head up their ever growing rear-end. I’m sure someone has told them their an idiot, right?
It’s hard enough having a son on the spectrum. Having a discontented, untrained government employee making decisions regarding his necessary level of care is unconscionable. The level of ineptitude is…wait a minute…I can’t continue traveling down this disgruntled path. Let me speak directly to the person responsible for deciding that Josh does not have a disability…Bless Your Heart!
I know I’m coming off as angry, but that’s only because I’m angry. And I’m tired. And sad that my son needs the support that he does. And i’m frustrated, because you know…people. Judgy people. And I want to protect Josh. And I can’t protect him from everything…
I’ve got to go and take care of very important business…like getting this bitter taste out of my mouth.
Where can I find disinfectant?
(You know he said it!)
Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you.
Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #085: The Appeal | http://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-085-the-appeal
Here is a copy of the Social Security form SSA-795 Benefit Continuation that is so hard to find online. This is the form that we used for the appeal. We were told that we only had 10 days to ask for Josh’s checks to continue during the appeal process. The form is normally blank. Hope this helps: ssa-795.pdf
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