~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~
Some things just make sense. Josh wanting to work at a library is one of them. His favorite thing to do is read, his second favorite thing to do is talk about the books he’s currently reading, or ones he has already read. Books make him happy, relaxed, and content. This dude belongs in the library!
When he was in high-school he volunteered in the school library, and for a short time at the library in the small town of Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. Dillsburg is a cool, quaint little town…even though each New Years’ Eve the celebration culminates with a giant pickle dropping from the sky. Because that’s not weird enough, they made a giant spouse for Mr. Pickle, and the two became one…and that’s when baby pickle made his debut.
They call it Pickle Town. Hahahaha!! True story right there.
Like I just did, Josh gets distracted easily. Even goals that he’s had for a big chunk of his life seem to be forgotten, until he’s asked about it, and then the spark is back. That’s what just happened. We talked about volunteering in the library and the concept of getting paid to be surrounded with his favorite things in life…books, books, and more books!
It’s how it works a lot of the time with Josh. I ask a question, and he says oh yeah, I would like to do that! But, okay, it is somewhat like the saying – ‘you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink’. I can bring it up and facilitate the opportunity, but he’s got to make it happen.
My fingers and eyes are crossed. Giddy up!!
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Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #071: Library Wish | http://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-071-library-wish
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