~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~
When you have a child with autism you get to live in the presence of genuine authenticity, and purity of heart. You get to see what it’s like inside the velvet rope, where everyone is accepted, what is said is exactly what is meant, and speaking the truth is always the flavor of the day.
Then, there’s everything else. The frustration, exhaustion, and heartache. The place where parents disappear into a tornado of seeking and researching information, demanding deserved services, endlessly advocating, and just showing up. Every…single…time. Often with bloodshot eyes, because you know – there’s a lot of tears, and sometimes a lot of wine.
Today I learned that my 4 year old grandson’s pediatrician suspects he is on the autism spectrum. It’s not a shock…I mean, I know what it looks like – I’m part of the club. I’m inside that velvet rope. I just never stopped to realize that my daughter would be joining me.
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Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #098: The Dude | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-098-the-dude
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