~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~
Social Security said Josh no longer had a disability. They removed his Autism diagnosis from his documentation and file. They sent him to a hired gun psychiatrist who said he is no longer qualified for SSI because his status of being “learning disabled” has improved.
Takes a swig of beer, slams the bottle down on the table, and removes glasses with deliberation and a look that would scare a mama bear.
I also yelled a lot of swear words that I won’t list here. Just know that some of them I made up, and others were a combination of words that would make a sailor blush.
I stood up to the people and entities that don’t know or care about Josh. The ones that would minimize his life experience, and make decisions about him that are clearly not in his best interest. I stood up. And won. I’ll revel in that for today. Tomorrow I’ll get back to work doing what I can to help Josh become successful and independent.
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Listen to the Podcast: Josh Has Autism #107: Officially Disabled, Again | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-107-officially-disabled-again
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