I was told that my son would never amount to anything…he wouldn’t drive, wouldn’t go to school, could never live on his own, would never be able to hold a job, and more than likely, would never even have any friends…because he is Autistic.
Every word of that assertion came from a highly regarded, well seasoned doctor. At that moment, every bit of the mom in me rejected that opinion, and before I realized it was happening, my mouth shouted a big, giant, out loud ‘F*** YOU!’
We found a new doctor.
My son has done, is doing, or is working towards each of those accomplishments that I was told he would never achieve…and I would never see. It’s not always pretty, but it is always beautiful.
This experience reminds me of the joke that goes…What do you call a doctor that graduated last in his class? You call him doctor. Apparently, even the smartest doctors get an “F” now and then.
Listen to the Podcast – JHA001: Josh Has Autism | Podcast Introduction
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