~ Clearly Muddled Blog ~
Josh and I talk a lot about what it feels like in his body to be Autistic. We talk about the different emotions that come up for him and in what types of situations. But because he’s historically had a difficult time relaying what he’s experienced outside of real time, it’s been a long time since I’ve asked him to describe just that.
It’s not the question “how does it feel to be Autistic”, but rather how does he experience…life. Everything from people to situations to responsibilities…and anything else he wanted to share. Turns out, he’s got a pretty solid handle on what he needs and when he needs it – and he doesn’t just allow himself to carve out the time to get it, he’s set it in stone as a requirement.
That thing that’s mandatory in order for him to thrive, is time. Time away from people, away from noise, away from demands, away from expectation, away from society. He’s set it as a priority to have time alone. To recharge, relax, and unwind. Alone.
I’m gonna try this thing he’s got figured out! I think he’s on to something. Something magical and rejuvenating…and healing. I get it.
So, without further ado…everyone get out! Really – go to your own space and enjoy the peacefulness. Seriously. Go. Buh-by. Scram! Hop on a bus, Gus! I mean it! Hasta la vista, baby! You can thank Josh later.
Leave us a note if you like this episode! Love to hear from you.
Listen to the Podcast:Josh Has Autism #199: It’s Time | https://sonyaking.com/josh-has-autism-199-its-time
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